«I choose the way which leads between the two great
lines of force.» Introduction This full moon meditation series is based on an astrological interpretation of the twelve labors of Hercules from the Greek myth. The twelve tasks of Hercules are symbolic lessons for every human from the way of selfishness back to the Heart of God. As mortals we do not exactly know the way to the higher worlds but the path itself knows and leads us through sometimes dramatic experiences to our goal. So we travel "on the path until we become that path", from Aries to Leo, Virgo and Libra - and further through all the astrological signs to Pisces. In Libra harmony sets the standard tone. Libra's fundament is balance between the pairs of opposites and sound judgement. Abstract In the seventh sign of the astrological year, Libra, Hercules is called to work again:
Remembering his last labor, Hercules says to Apollo before leaving:
"I will not take your brand-new bow with me, for fear I kill. At
my least labor, upon the shores of the great sea, I slew and killed.
This time I slaughter not. I leave the bow". Explanation Instead of resting Hercules accepts the invitation of his friends Pholos and Cherion to have an orgy. Cherion is a symbol for good thoughts and Pholos that for physical strength. The story tells that Hercules kills his friends rather than mastering his basic nature. Taking the boar, as a symbol of desire, into the high mountains brings about the revelation. In Libra we meet many paradoxes and extrems. Always the need to balance the pairs of opposites arises. The most compelling problems of the sign in everyday life are the questions of sex and money. The double test for Hercules consists in the recognition of a rare friendship with Pholos and the fearless courage to search after the fierce boar. The test of balance is often triggered through a high visionary light experience and the realisation of the dire needs of humanity in the valley of life. High ideals often lead to the abstention from contact with the ordinary things of life and every activity on the outer plane seems to darken the valuable inner perceptions. At this point on the path, one has to acquire the comprehensive understanding that compassion is needed as a means to balance high and low, good and bad, significant and insignificant. The keynote of Libra indicates the path of balance between negative and positive energies or forces - we have to learn to walk on the "razor's edge" to gain sound judgement. Libra is the only sign without a human or animal symbol, although it is sometimes represented by a figure of justice with bound eyes carrying a set of sacles. Could this mean that being blind to outer opinion we gain in capacity to judge fairly? Meditation on the seed thought of the month