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![]() Cutting the Ties That Bind We are all bound by invisible chains - things that bind us and block us and keep us from being who we really are. These ties come from childhood - from family environment, culture, fears or reactions to events that took place years ago. Phyllis Krystal has worked with people for many years - teaching practical visualization techniques that work. She offers a puberty rite to untangle our deepest bonds to our worldly parents, helps us attain freedom from negative forces, shows us how to get in touch with the higher consciousness that is a part of all of us, and shows us a mandala exercise to balance the four functions of intuition, sensation, emotion, and intellect.
Phyllis Krystal
«It will be easier for the reader to understand this book if he or she will bear in mind that it deals primarily with symbols. A symbol is a device by which a message can be carried effectively to the subconscious part of the mind. Symbols are effective because the language of the subconscious mind is coomposed of symbols and pictures.» - Cutting the Ties That Bind, Preface «This book presents a method by which liberation from all the various sources of false security can be achieved. This method enables a person to become an independent and whole human being, relying only on the inner source of security and wisdom which is available to everyone who seeks its aid.» - Cutting the Ties That Bind, Introduction Synopsis of Cutting the Ties That Bind: The Method of Working; The Core of the Work; Preparation for the First Inner Session; Puberty Rite - Cutting the Ties to One Parent; Dealing with Negative Parental Archetypes; Positive and Negative Attributes of Parents; The Inner Child; Animus and Anima: Male and Female Aspects within Women and Men; Cutting Ties to Other Relationships; Releasing from Negative Forces; The Inner Enemy; The Inner House; The Mandala; Dreams and What They Mean; Corridor of Doors; Death and Death Rites; Symbols and How to Use Them. Synopsis of Cutting More Ties That Bind: Reprogramming and Preparation of Adults and Teachers; Cutting Ties to Parents, and Other Techniques; Sathya Sai Baba; Preparing for Parenthood; Bonding the Baby with the Parents; The Birth Chart; The Early Years: Pre-puberty; Techniques for Use with Younger Children; Puberty Rites; Love; Parental Control; How Teachers Can Help; Addictions; Who Are We and Why Are We Here? Early Conditioning; Symbols; Detaching Ourselves from Roles; Men and Women; Balloon and Nest-of-Dolls Roles; The Effect of Roles on Future Relationships; Identification with Occupation or Profession; Inherited and Behavioural Patterns; Sub-Personalities; Freedom from Fear of Rejection; Traditions, Customs and Mores; Prejudices; World Religions and their Effects; Reincarnation and Karma; Past Lives; Dreams; Thought and Thought-Forms. Synopsis of Cutting the Ties That Bind - Workbook: Working with a Partner: Setting up the Triangle; Relaxing Exercises; Relaxing with the Wave; Relaxing with the Light; Using the Tape Measure to Control a Wandering Mind; Using the Snake in the Tree to Control Distracting Emotions. Working with a Group: Leading a Group; Using the Maypole to Begin a Session; Using the Maypole to End a Group Session. Symbols for Protection: Using the Cylinder of Light; Using the Beach Ball. Cutting the Ties That Bind: Starting with the Figure Eight; Cutting the Ties; Practicing the Tree. Cutting more Complex Ties: Destroying Negative Parental Archetypes; Dispersing a Familiy Black Cloud; Using the Corridor of Doors; Cutting Ties to Multiple Partners. Removing Restricting Roles: Destroying the Nest of Dolls; Deflating the Balloon or Bubble. Removing Limitations: Using the Hour Glass. Destroying Negative Traits: Using the Jack to Eradicate Fear; Dealing with Anger; Destroying Jealousy and Envy; Letting Go of Greed; Using the Wet Suit to Remove Guilt; Finding an Appropriate Symbol to Represent More Subtle Problems. Making Decisions: Using the Scales between Two Choices; Other Uses for the Scales of Justice; Using the Crossroads for Three or More Choices. Balancing the Opposites: Using the Mandala to Balance Intuition, Intellect, Sensation and Emotion; Balancing the Brain and Solar Plexus; Using the Yin Yang to Balance Feminine and Masculine or Heart and Mind; Using the Black and White Birds to Accept Pairs of Opposites. Phyllis Krystal was born in England but lives and works as a psychotherapist in California where she has developed her own techniques of psychotherapy. For over thirty years, she has been developing a counseling method using symbols and visualization techniques that help people detach from external authority figures and patterns in order to rely on their own Higher Consciousness as guide and teacher. Last Updated Saturday, January 9, 1999 |
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